Monday, September 26, 2011

Justice and Jobs 
Justice and Jobs
Justice and Jobs

Various Black community leaders have chanted this for decades; however the Minnesota Department of Transportation has refused to hear this.  Lennie Chism, Executive Director of Springboard Economic Development Corp, a 501c3 advocacy organization, states, “$6 billion dollars in federal aid for highways 
and bridges in the last ten years, with all minorities companies awarded less $45 Million dollars, less than 1% - the report is available to all who ask.”   Community based training organization have received enormous sums of money to train our men and women for jobs that do not exist, for us that is.  Well, maybe 1 out of 18 graduates may get a job.   Another community organization was given kibbles and bites to keep to create another training program plus chant the MNDOT doing a great job slogan; however we are not sure what business they are in or which community members they were elected to represent.  Wait, they were not elected or appointed to serve as a voice for me, and many others.

Fact remains, without the construction jobs the federal government funds yearly to the tune of $700 million in 2010 for Minnesota highways and bridges, the unemployment rate in the less than educated white community would reflect that of the minority community.  Huh? As I grew up on a farm I can speak with a point of reference.   Yes, they call them jobs, but really they are a government welfare check to keep the white masses employed.  Yes, they perform a service; however without the federal government money, many of these same companies would be out of business.   Recently I watched a road construction project in the heart of the Black community being performed by white construction workers across from the liquor store.   At quitting time they rolled out the community, earning their government welfare check.

Now, here is where the Black and other minority community are missing out.  The masses of white men work blue collar jobs in dirty pants, boots, and a hardhat.  Sounds like a farmer huh? The MNDOT construction projects are key to the survival of the white community as the means to pull government money into their community.  What?  Huh?  Yes, those jobs paying union wages of $25 per hour and up with benefits, go into their communities from the federal and state government much the same as a welfare check, or any other grant from the government.  Yes, again, they yield a product called highways and bridges.  The money earned by the construction work, to the tune of $700 million in 2010 is spent all over the state – suppliers, bars, restaurants, barbershops, daycares, - you get the picture.  Oh, I forgot to mention, vacations up north Minnesota to their cabin. 

In September2010 while attending the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, Springboard will presented our report to Congressional members detailing MNDOT – 10 years $6 Billion, less than $10 million to Black construction companies, and less that $45 million to all minorities construction companies.  The fact remains, if white America is living off the government in these hard economic times, are minorities to be left out?  Oh, I forgot, we are told to apply for a welfare check because there are not jobs.  Sure, wink.

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